Multi Annual Investments and Maintenance Program

Ref. No.


The objective of the activity is to provide technical assistance and capacity-building activities to support local governments to develop multi-annual investment and maintenance program and prepare a pipeline of projects for financing under the Local Roads Connectivity Project (LRCP). The Consultant is required to assess the municipal sub-projects designs already prepared at different level of maturity, as well as to check the compliance with the technical, road safety, road resilient, environmental and social requirements of the LRCP. During the assessment, the Consultant is required to develop a prioritized list of sub-projects to be financed under the LRCP. The Consultant will be required to undertake all the relevant and actual road data such as roughness, traffic and improvement costs in order to assess the readiness of candidate local roads designs for funding under the 2nd and later Phases of the Project.

The services include the following main tasks:

  • Task 1: Support municipalities to develop a multi-annual (3 years) investment and maintenance plan based on a simple prioritization approach. The investment and maintenance plan shall represent a comprehensive planning document that will consider the municipal sub-projects for further financing by the Project. The respective Action Plan shall include time frame for the milestones and deadlines for completion for further financing under the LRCP.
  • Task 2: Develop a prioritized list of sub-projects to be financed by the project. This will be a mix of well-developed projects and projects at lower levels of preparation. By using a simple prioritization approach, the Consultant shall identify the well-developed projects and projects at lower levels of preparation presenting them in a prioritized list of sub-projects to be further financed by the LRCP.
  • Task 3: Assess the readiness of the designs for the bidding documents for the prioritized list of sub-projects. The consultant should provide detailed technical, legal, social and environmental comments to the municipalities and to their designers. The consultants will be expected to engage with the designers to expedite completion of high-quality designs. The consultant shall provide detailed technical, legal, social and environmental comments to the municipalities and to their designers. The consultants will be expected to engage with the designers to expedite completion of high- quality designs.
  • Task 4: Provide advice to municipalities on complying with the Memorandum of Understanding and Implementation Agreement and suggest amendments to those documents as necessary. Subject to implementation of the works contracts, before start of each works contract, the respective municipality shall sign an Implementation Agreement (IA) with the Ministry of Transport and Communications listing the tasks and responsibilities of the two parties.
  • Task 5: Provide training to the municipal authorities on the process outlined above. Consultant shall provide and facilitate training to the participating municipalities staff (at least 160 people) related to the process of developing the Investment and Maintenance Plan – Pipeline (IMPP) for local roads investment and maintenance, as well as training related to assessment of the readiness of the sub-project designs for the bidding documents for the prioritized list of sub-projects and developing of the prioritized list of sub-projects to be financed by the LRCP.

